How to Travel On Your Own: Instructions and Lifefhocks

Have you ever thought about traveling without travel agencies? Let’s open a little secret: in fact, they do not do such a difficult job, reselling the product of tour operators.

And it makes sense to use their services only when choosing mass destinations. And the fact that the experience of Turkey and Egypt in 2015, not always … So, what is an independent journey, what are its pros and cons and, most importantly, how to create it? And if you like to travel, follow the link forget ex girl.

First, we’ll talk a little bit about the principle of tour operators. These organizations create a tourist product, concluding contracts for wholesale transportation of tourists with airlines, for wholesale accommodation in hotels and for large volumes of accompanying and transfer services on site — with the host companies. That is all the «salt» — just in wholesale volumes. Due to the guarantee for the hotels in terms of accommodation of all rooms, hoteliers provide significant discounts, the same do airlines — the seats are prepaid in advance, respectively, and the price of each of them — much lower than in the market. This allows you to make conditional tour packages to Turkey much cheaper than any way to the resorts on their own, often cheaper than a regular flight, and this with food and transfer!

However, it is not that simple. This pricing policy works only on mass destinations such as Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, a little less — Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Greece. In other cases, the tour operator works with airlines and hotels on request. That is in terms of price — plus or minus the same as the tourist from the street. And if you use to move low-budget airlines with which operators do not work, or — for trips of a large company — houses and apartments, where operators do not populate, it turns out that options to save — a great many. Add to this the closure of mass destinations (Turkey and Egypt), the fall of the ruble, the bankruptcy of tour operators — it turns out that travel independently — in many ways the only way out of the situation today. Of course, for those who do not agree to spend the whole holiday in the garden.

  Швейный чемоданчик: мастер-класс

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